Fall Mini Sessions

I've only able to offer these once a year!

This is the only time I'm available to shoot any family/kiddo type sessions!

Here are the dates that are available for 2020

Sunday Sept 6th - Little Rock, AR
Sunday Sept 13th - Hot Springs, AR
Sunday Sept 20th - Bryant, AR
Sunday Sept 27th - Bryant, AR
Sunday Oct 4th - Little Rock, AR
Sunday November 29th - Bryant AR (for those last minute Christmas card people. You know who you are)

20 minute sessions | 25 digital images | Print release
+ option to purchase additional images and prints from your session later.

A majority of these slots have already been booked and have a wait list!

If you're interested in seeing if your preferred date/location has any availability shoot me a message!



Follow me on instagram @benlately

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